Sonic Guild Jewelry

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Showing all 3 results

Sonic Guild jewelry is purchased exclusively from Copeland Jewelers.

Sonic Guild is a non-profit organization founded in Austin, TX that supports musicians living in the Austin area.

Funded by memberships similar to the way the symphony or ballet is funded in major cities, Sonic Guild members nominate musicians and bands each year and showcases each of them to members monthly at live music events.

At the end of the year, members vote with the acts receiving the highest number of votes awarded the major grants and those with lower numbers of votes awarded minor grants.

The purchase of Sonic Guild jewelry is limited to Sonic Guild members.

If you have an interest in music and musicians, we encourage you to consider joining us in membership in the organization. You’ll have access to 2 or more live music events per month, admission to the Sonic Guild ball in December and voting privileges to help determine which artists are Sonic Guild nominees and grant recipients.